SenateDB Senate ballot analysis

Ballots with only '1' above the line

These tables cross-tabulate the number of Senate ballots at the 2016 federal election that marked only one preference above the line.

At the 2013 election, voters could choose between expressing a single, first preference above the line, or numbering every square below the line. For votes above the line, the preferences were determined by the group voting ticket of the group that received the first preference.

Changes to the Electoral Act in 2016 changed how preferences were expressed on Senate ballots. Group voting tickets were abolished, and voters were told to number at least 6 squares above the line, or at least 12 below the line. In fact, savings measures in section 269 of the Act meant that a ballot would still be regarded as formal if at least a first preference was expressed. This was done, at least in part, to save the ballots of voters who only numbered 1 square above the line as at previous elections.

It is important to note that while numbering a single square above the line did not render a ballot informal at the 2016 election, it did not have the same effect as doing so at the 2013 election. Without a group voting ticket, ballots with only one square marked above the line would almost always exhaust, as they did not express further preferences.

In SenateDB, the CountOneAtl class is responsible for determining whether a ballot has marked a single square above the line. To be counted, a ballot must:

National total

  Ballots with only ‘1’ above the line Total formal ballots %
Total 290,758 13,838,900 2.10%

Nationally by first-preferenced party

Party Ballots with only ‘1’ above the line Total formal ballots for party %
Australian Labor Party 110,121 4,123,084 2.67%
Liberal Party of Australia 94,443 4,821,314 1.96%
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation 14,984 593,013 2.53%
Liberal Democratic Party 10,066 298,915 3.37%
The Greens 7,789 1,197,657 0.65%
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers 5,028 192,923 2.61%
Nick Xenophon Team 4,698 456,369 1.03%
Democratic Labour Party 4,294 94,510 4.54%
Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party 4,222 266,607 1.58%
Family First Party 3,816 191,112 2.00%
Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 3,388 162,155 2.09%
Animal Justice Party 2,706 159,373 1.70%
Australian Sex Party 2,455 97,882 2.51%
Australian Liberty Alliance 2,056 102,982 2.00%
Australian Sex Party/Marijuana (HEMP) Party 1,942 69,247 2.80%
Health Australia Party 1,830 85,233 2.15%
Drug Law Reform 1,493 61,327 2.43%
Independent 1,183 23,437 5.05%
Marijuana (HEMP) Party 1,050 33,387 3.14%
Online Direct Democracy - (Empowering the People!) 845 12,018 7.03%
Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party 843 53,232 1.58%
Jacqui Lambie Network 792 69,074 1.15%
Pirate Party Australia 764 35,184 2.17%
Katter’s Australian Party 737 53,199 1.39%
Australian Christians 703 66,525 1.06%
Rise Up Australia Party 695 36,424 1.91%
The Arts Party 605 37,702 1.60%
Marriage Equality 544 44,982 1.21%
Mature Australia 500 19,354 2.58%
Palmer United Party 500 26,210 1.91%
VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy! 487 21,151 2.30%
Seniors United Party of Australia 486 22,213 2.19%
Voluntary Euthanasia Party 461 23,252 1.98%
Science Party / Cyclists Party 417 24,673 1.69%
Glenn Lazarus Team 363 45,149 0.80%
Australian Cyclists Party 353 25,438 1.39%
The Nationals 333 46,932 0.71%
Sustainable Australia 325 26,341 1.23%
Veterans Party 307 10,391 2.95%
Renewable Energy Party 278 29,983 0.93%
Citizens Electoral Council of Australia 271 9,850 2.75%
Socialist Alliance 267 9,968 2.68%
Socialist Equality Party 255 7,865 3.24%
Australian Country Party 223 9,316 2.39%
Secular Party of Australia 202 11,077 1.82%
CountryMinded 179 5,989 2.99%
Australian Progressives 159 6,251 2.54%
Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) 120 2,102 5.71%
Australia First Party 75 3,005 2.50%
MFP 74 5,268 1.40%
Australian Recreational Fishers Party 23 2,376 0.97%
Science Party 8 5,405 0.15%
Total 290,758 13,838,900 2.10%

By state

State Ballots with only ‘1’ above the line Total formal ballots for party %
NSW 162,340 4,492,197 3.61%
VIC 49,386 3,500,237 1.41%
QLD 34,730 2,723,166 1.28%
WA 21,080 1,366,182 1.54%
SA 17,091 1,061,165 1.61%
ACT 2,496 254,767 0.98%
TAS 2,249 339,159 0.66%
NT 1,386 102,027 1.36%
Total 290,758 13,838,900 2.10%

By group in the Australian Capital Territory

Group Ballots with only ‘1’ above the line Total formal ballots for group %
F (Liberal Party of Australia) 1,204 84,615 1.42%
C (Australian Labor Party) 769 96,667 0.80%
J (Australian Sex Party) 157 10,096 1.56%
A (Liberal Democratic Party) 123 7,460 1.65%
H (The Greens) 107 41,006 0.26%
G (Animal Justice Party) 46 4,251 1.08%
D (Rise Up Australia Party) 33 2,523 1.31%
I (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 26 3,087 0.84%
E (Sustainable Australia) 25 2,678 0.93%
B (Secular Party of Australia) 6 1,378 0.44%
Total 2,496 254,767 0.98%

By group in New South Wales

Group Ballots with only ‘1’ above the line Total formal ballots for group %
N (Australian Labor Party) 63,298 1,405,088 4.50%
F (Liberal & Nationals) 57,020 1,610,626 3.54%
S (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) 7,409 184,012 4.03%
D (Liberal Democratic Party) 6,605 139,007 4.75%
J (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) 3,217 88,837 3.62%
AL (The Greens) 3,088 332,860 0.93%
AF (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 2,891 121,379 2.38%
H (Democratic Labour Party) 2,853 51,510 5.54%
C (Family First Party) 1,701 53,027 3.21%
A (Health Australia Party) 1,385 53,154 2.61%
AG (Australian Sex Party) 1,326 30,038 4.41%
AO (Marijuana (HEMP) Party) 1,050 29,510 3.56%
AI (Nick Xenophon Team) 995 80,111 1.24%
AB (Animal Justice Party) 974 37,991 2.56%
P (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party) 797 26,720 2.98%
AM (Australian Liberty Alliance) 796 29,795 2.67%
O (Online Direct Democracy - (Empowering the People!)) 732 6,353 11.52%
AJ (Drug Law Reform) 632 20,883 3.03%
G (Independent) 557 3,871 14.39%
AA (Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party) 500 16,356 3.06%
B (Seniors United Party of Australia) 486 22,213 2.19%
E (VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!) 378 12,578 3.01%
Q (Jacqui Lambie Network) 370 16,502 2.24%
K (Voluntary Euthanasia Party) 338 15,198 2.22%
M (Rise Up Australia Party) 337 7,538 4.47%
R (Pirate Party Australia) 310 11,418 2.72%
I (Science Party / Cyclists Party) 284 18,367 1.55%
AC (The Arts Party) 254 11,805 2.15%
T (Veterans Party) 231 5,857 3.94%
L (Socialist Alliance) 187 5,382 3.47%
AE (Mature Australia) 156 2,805 5.56%
X (Katter’s Australian Party) 149 4,316 3.45%
Y (Palmer United Party) 149 2,805 5.31%
W (Socialist Equality Party) 149 2,933 5.08%
AK (Sustainable Australia) 134 7,723 1.74%
V (CountryMinded) 131 3,153 4.15%
AD (Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting)) 120 2,102 5.71%
AN (Renewable Energy Party) 102 8,936 1.14%
Z (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 101 1,895 5.33%
AH (Australian Progressives) 75 1,817 4.13%
U (Secular Party of Australia) 73 2,773 2.63%
Total 162,340 4,492,197 3.61%

By group in the Northern Territory

Group Ballots with only ‘1’ above the line Total formal ballots for group %
F (Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch) 501 38,197 1.31%
E (Country Liberals (NT)) 473 37,156 1.27%
D (The Greens) 133 11,003 1.21%
B (Australian Sex Party/Marijuana (HEMP) Party) 132 4,956 2.66%
A (Rise Up Australia Party) 100 6,768 1.48%
C (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 24 1,255 1.91%
G (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 23 1,660 1.39%
Total 1,386 102,027 1.36%

By group in Queensland

Group Ballots with only ‘1’ above the line Total formal ballots for group %
G (Liberal National Party of Queensland) 11,488 960,467 1.20%
D (Australian Labor Party) 9,112 717,524 1.27%
X (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) 4,695 250,126 1.88%
E (Liberal Democratic Party) 1,454 77,601 1.87%
AK (The Greens) 927 188,323 0.49%
V (Australian Sex Party/Marijuana (HEMP) Party) 651 30,157 2.16%
T (Family First Party) 617 52,453 1.18%
I (Katter’s Australian Party) 588 48,807 1.20%
Q (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) 557 29,571 1.88%
H (Animal Justice Party) 482 32,306 1.49%
S (Democratic Labour Party) 422 15,443 2.73%
AG (Drug Law Reform) 364 17,060 2.13%
AC (Glenn Lazarus Team) 363 45,149 0.80%
L (Nick Xenophon Team) 340 55,653 0.61%
N (Australian Liberty Alliance) 325 29,392 1.11%
J (Marriage Equality) 293 23,811 1.23%
A (Australian Cyclists Party) 260 19,933 1.30%
O (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party) 206 14,256 1.45%
R (Independent) 199 1,536 12.96%
M (Pirate Party Australia) 174 10,342 1.68%
B (The Arts Party) 123 11,030 1.12%
AH (Health Australia Party) 116 10,147 1.14%
F (Online Direct Democracy - (Empowering the People!)) 113 5,504 2.05%
AB (Palmer United Party) 101 4,816 2.10%
K (Mature Australia) 91 5,519 1.65%
AD (Jacqui Lambie Network) 86 9,138 0.94%
AF (Australian Christians) 84 9,686 0.87%
AJ (Veterans Party) 76 4,534 1.68%
AA (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 60 7,314 0.82%
C (Secular Party of Australia) 58 4,623 1.25%
Y (Rise Up Australia Party) 57 5,734 0.99%
U (Renewable Energy Party) 50 6,245 0.80%
AL (Sustainable Australia) 48 5,366 0.89%
AI (CountryMinded) 48 2,836 1.69%
W (VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!) 29 1,881 1.54%
Z (Socialist Equality Party) 28 1,639 1.71%
P (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 23 1,877 1.23%
AE (Australian Progressives) 22 1,213 1.81%
Total 34,730 2,723,166 1.28%

By group in South Australia

Group Ballots with only ‘1’ above the line Total formal ballots for group %
B (Australian Labor Party) 5,618 289,902 1.94%
H (Liberal Party of Australia) 5,443 345,767 1.57%
F (Nick Xenophon Team) 2,649 230,703 1.15%
O (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) 711 31,621 2.25%
N (Family First Party) 632 30,464 2.07%
D (The Greens) 413 62,329 0.66%
R (Australian Sex Party/Marijuana (HEMP) Party) 372 12,091 3.08%
K (Liberal Democratic Party) 305 6,913 4.41%
Q (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) 159 7,815 2.03%
U (Animal Justice Party) 143 8,981 1.59%
A (Mature Australia) 115 4,440 2.59%
J (Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party) 105 5,091 2.06%
S (Australian Liberty Alliance) 76 4,435 1.71%
P (Marriage Equality) 56 4,032 1.39%
E (Australian Cyclists Party) 48 1,664 2.88%
M (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 45 2,799 1.61%
C (The Arts Party) 44 3,368 1.31%
T (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party) 41 2,359 1.74%
I (Palmer United Party) 33 778 4.24%
V (Voluntary Euthanasia Party) 30 2,286 1.31%
G (Australian Progressives) 27 1,157 2.33%
L (VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!) 15 820 1.83%
W (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 11 499 2.20%
Total 17,091 1,061,165 1.61%

By group in Tasmania

Group Ballots with only ‘1’ above the line Total formal ballots for group %
F (Liberal Party of Australia) 817 110,318 0.74%
B (Australian Labor Party) 728 113,935 0.64%
M (Jacqui Lambie Network) 134 28,146 0.48%
H (Australian Sex Party/Marijuana (HEMP) Party) 101 4,493 2.25%
I (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) 87 8,700 1.00%
C (The Greens) 79 37,840 0.21%
P (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) 67 4,688 1.43%
A (Family First Party) 58 6,692 0.87%
T (Liberal Democratic Party) 33 1,662 1.99%
Q (Animal Justice Party) 24 2,377 1.01%
G (Palmer United Party) 23 2,363 0.97%
S (Australian Recreational Fishers Party) 23 2,376 0.97%
E (Nick Xenophon Team) 14 5,128 0.27%
N (Australian Liberty Alliance) 13 1,112 1.17%
D (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 12 2,861 0.42%
J (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party) 9 1,473 0.61%
L (Renewable Energy Party) 8 1,340 0.60%
R (Science Party) 8 1,306 0.61%
O (VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!) 6 946 0.63%
U (The Arts Party) 4 728 0.55%
K (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 1 177 0.56%
Total 2,249 339,159 0.66%

By group in Victoria

Group Ballots with only ‘1’ above the line Total formal ballots for group %
D (Australian Labor Party) 22,680 1,075,658 2.11%
AF (Liberal & Nationals) 10,611 1,158,800 0.92%
A (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party) 2,995 211,733 1.41%
AK (The Greens) 2,095 380,499 0.55%
AH (Liberal Democratic Party) 1,247 55,501 2.25%
Y (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) 1,058 63,528 1.67%
AL (Australian Sex Party) 972 54,128 1.80%
C (Animal Justice Party) 823 60,780 1.35%
O (Family First Party) 671 39,747 1.69%
R (Democratic Labour Party) 656 18,152 3.61%
AG (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) 629 36,669 1.72%
U (Australian Liberty Alliance) 528 23,080 2.29%
AC (Drug Law Reform) 497 23,384 2.13%
V (Nick Xenophon Team) 487 55,118 0.88%
H (Australian Christians) 364 34,763 1.05%
B (Independent) 318 3,386 9.39%
J (Pirate Party Australia) 280 13,424 2.09%
L (Health Australia Party) 251 17,169 1.46%
W (Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party) 238 31,785 0.75%
AA (Australian Country Party) 223 9,316 2.39%
G (Jacqui Lambie Network) 202 15,288 1.32%
X (Marriage Equality) 195 17,139 1.14%
P (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 142 9,287 1.53%
E (Science Party / Cyclists Party) 133 11,567 1.15%
I (Sustainable Australia) 118 10,574 1.12%
AI (Rise Up Australia Party) 114 10,166 1.12%
Q (The Arts Party) 114 7,737 1.47%
F (Palmer United Party) 109 10,456 1.04%
AD (Voluntary Euthanasia Party) 93 5,768 1.61%
K (Socialist Equality Party) 78 3,293 2.37%
AB (MFP) 74 5,268 1.40%
M (Renewable Energy Party) 71 8,845 0.80%
T (Secular Party of Australia) 65 2,303 2.82%
AE (Mature Australia) 62 3,469 1.79%
S (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 56 2,098 2.67%
Z (Socialist Alliance) 54 2,597 2.08%
N (VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!) 48 2,838 1.69%
AJ (Australian Progressives) 35 2,064 1.70%
Total 49,386 3,500,237 1.41%

By group in Western Australia

Group Ballots with only ‘1’ above the line Total formal ballots for group %
D (Australian Labor Party) 7,415 386,113 1.92%
X (Liberal Party of Australia) 7,387 525,879 1.40%
R (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) 1,024 55,026 1.86%
J (The Greens (WA)) 947 143,797 0.66%
S (Australian Sex Party/Marijuana (HEMP) Party) 686 25,047 2.74%
B (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) 399 25,343 1.57%
T (Democratic Labour Party) 363 9,405 3.86%
F (The Nationals) 333 34,618 0.96%
P (Australian Liberty Alliance) 318 15,168 2.10%
Z (Liberal Democratic Party) 299 10,771 2.78%
W (Australian Christians) 255 22,076 1.16%
K (Animal Justice Party) 214 12,687 1.69%
C (Nick Xenophon Team) 213 29,656 0.72%
A (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 189 13,768 1.37%
H (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party) 174 10,066 1.73%
AB (Family First Party) 137 8,729 1.57%
V (Independent) 109 949 11.49%
I (Palmer United Party) 85 4,992 1.70%
U (Health Australia Party) 78 4,763 1.64%
L (Mature Australia) 76 2,687 2.83%
Y (Australia First Party) 75 3,005 2.50%
M (The Arts Party) 66 3,034 2.18%
E (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 55 2,049 2.68%
Q (Rise Up Australia Party) 54 3,695 1.46%
O (Renewable Energy Party) 47 4,617 1.02%
N (Australian Cyclists Party) 45 2,679 1.68%
G (Socialist Alliance) 26 1,989 1.31%
AA (VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!) 11 1,390 0.79%
Total 21,080 1,366,182 1.54%

By division

State Division Ballots with only ‘1’ above the line Total formal ballots for division %
NSW Blaxland 7,203 83,969 8.58%
NSW Watson 7,067 87,200 8.10%
NSW McMahon 6,703 89,555 7.48%
NSW Fowler 6,629 88,417 7.50%
NSW Barton 5,629 90,875 6.19%
NSW Werriwa 5,257 91,662 5.74%
NSW Chifley 5,038 88,789 5.67%
NSW Banks 4,968 92,859 5.35%
NSW Parramatta 4,599 87,315 5.27%
NSW Lindsay 4,443 97,434 4.56%
NSW Cook 4,105 93,322 4.40%
NSW Macarthur 4,058 92,622 4.38%
NSW Greenway 4,002 93,556 4.28%
NSW Kingsford Smith 3,969 94,825 4.19%
NSW Reid 3,868 92,958 4.16%
NSW Dobell 3,563 98,944 3.60%
NSW Hume 3,480 97,350 3.57%
NSW Hughes 3,393 95,574 3.55%
NSW Cowper 3,382 105,049 3.22%
NSW Bennelong 3,360 94,573 3.55%
NSW Riverina 3,227 99,749 3.24%
NSW Calare 3,207 101,908 3.15%
NSW Mackellar 3,073 96,196 3.19%
NSW Farrer 2,984 98,050 3.04%
NSW Whitlam 2,974 100,060 2.97%
NSW Paterson 2,936 102,146 2.87%
NSW Mitchell 2,848 93,531 3.04%
NSW Hunter 2,830 101,470 2.79%
NSW Robertson 2,783 97,333 2.86%
NSW Eden-Monaro 2,778 97,685 2.84%
NSW Lyne 2,777 101,063 2.75%
NSW Shortland 2,728 99,696 2.74%
VIC Calwell 2,694 90,982 2.96%
NSW Newcastle 2,678 101,094 2.65%
NSW Berowra 2,653 96,129 2.76%
NSW Cunningham 2,622 98,289 2.67%
VIC Scullin 2,555 96,802 2.64%
NSW Macquarie 2,496 95,408 2.62%
NSW Grayndler 2,323 92,786 2.50%
SA Port Adelaide 2,296 98,910 2.32%
NSW Wentworth 2,200 86,997 2.53%
NSW Page 2,177 105,314 2.07%
NSW Parkes 2,159 94,716 2.28%
NSW Gilmore 2,126 103,993 2.04%
NSW Sydney 2,064 92,677 2.23%
NSW Warringah 1,999 90,669 2.20%
WA Cowan 1,965 83,895 2.34%
VIC Maribyrnong 1,957 94,811 2.06%
VIC McEwen 1,930 116,948 1.65%
NSW Bradfield 1,848 95,426 1.94%
VIC Gorton 1,806 99,397 1.82%
NSW North Sydney 1,773 95,479 1.86%
VIC Wills 1,768 96,962 1.82%
VIC Hotham 1,767 87,677 2.02%
SA Barker 1,759 95,669 1.84%
SA Wakefield 1,751 98,476 1.78%
SA Hindmarsh 1,750 100,105 1.75%
NSW Richmond 1,748 98,660 1.77%
VIC Holt 1,747 101,061 1.73%
VIC Batman 1,730 94,648 1.83%
WA Stirling 1,724 84,731 2.03%
VIC Lalor 1,643 107,821 1.52%
SA Grey 1,632 90,793 1.80%
NSW New England 1,613 98,825 1.63%
VIC Gellibrand 1,602 92,824 1.73%
SA Makin 1,572 96,111 1.64%
QLD Hinkler 1,551 89,554 1.73%
VIC Bruce 1,498 83,947 1.78%
SA Sturt 1,486 94,640 1.57%
WA Perth 1,481 85,562 1.73%
WA Burt 1,477 86,071 1.72%
VIC Isaacs 1,467 93,032 1.58%
QLD Maranoa 1,435 92,990 1.54%
QLD Wright 1,426 89,811 1.59%
WA Fremantle 1,422 86,272 1.65%
QLD Fadden 1,410 89,730 1.57%
QLD Petrie 1,397 93,917 1.49%
QLD Rankin 1,376 87,211 1.58%
WA Forrest 1,367 87,433 1.56%
SA Adelaide 1,354 97,375 1.39%
VIC Murray 1,347 91,912 1.47%
QLD Herbert 1,343 91,913 1.46%
ACT Canberra 1,340 131,653 1.02%
SA Kingston 1,336 95,095 1.40%
VIC Corio 1,312 95,512 1.37%
QLD Oxley 1,309 84,412 1.55%
WA O’Connor 1,283 88,046 1.46%
QLD Longman 1,268 92,881 1.37%
VIC Menzies 1,264 89,299 1.42%
SA Boothby 1,264 98,242 1.29%
WA Canning 1,250 86,088 1.45%
QLD Bowman 1,241 92,954 1.34%
VIC Aston 1,240 86,266 1.44%
WA Hasluck 1,238 83,211 1.49%
WA Pearce 1,232 89,503 1.38%
VIC McMillan 1,230 103,623 1.19%
QLD Bonner 1,227 90,759 1.35%
QLD Blair 1,216 87,784 1.39%
QLD Forde 1,209 86,059 1.40%
QLD McPherson 1,199 89,343 1.34%
QLD Wide Bay 1,194 91,228 1.31%
QLD Moncrieff 1,187 86,929 1.37%
WA Brand 1,179 83,309 1.42%
WA Swan 1,176 83,100 1.42%
QLD Kennedy 1,175 86,698 1.36%
ACT Fenner 1,156 123,114 0.94%
VIC Chisholm 1,145 87,447 1.31%
WA Durack 1,131 78,248 1.45%
WA Tangney 1,124 84,692 1.33%
VIC Ballarat 1,104 99,124 1.11%
QLD Leichhardt 1,093 92,437 1.18%
WA Moore 1,088 89,071 1.22%
VIC Goldstein 1,080 94,266 1.15%
VIC Wannon 1,076 88,716 1.21%
VIC Gippsland 1,070 91,696 1.17%
VIC Bendigo 1,069 98,858 1.08%
VIC Higgins 1,068 92,981 1.15%
VIC Flinders 1,061 102,326 1.04%
QLD Fisher 1,048 86,931 1.21%
QLD Groom 1,035 92,084 1.12%
QLD Flynn 1,024 90,639 1.13%
VIC Dunkley 1,021 92,801 1.10%
VIC Mallee 990 87,316 1.13%
QLD Moreton 976 86,424 1.13%
QLD Dickson 974 91,690 1.06%
QLD Lilley 973 95,588 1.02%
VIC La Trobe 971 95,866 1.01%
QLD Fairfax 962 95,601 1.01%
VIC Indi 952 93,028 1.02%
VIC Casey 949 92,985 1.02%
VIC Jagajaga 946 92,862 1.02%
WA Curtin 943 86,950 1.08%
VIC Melbourne 931 96,863 0.96%
QLD Dawson 924 91,665 1.01%
QLD Capricornia 908 89,065 1.02%
VIC Deakin 907 90,788 1.00%
QLD Griffith 903 94,267 0.96%
SA Mayo 891 95,749 0.93%
VIC Corangamite 887 101,208 0.88%
VIC Melbourne Ports 882 87,080 1.01%
QLD Ryan 876 95,859 0.91%
QLD Brisbane 871 96,743 0.90%
NT Solomon 744 57,000 1.31%
VIC Kooyong 720 90,502 0.80%
NT Lingiari 642 45,027 1.43%
TAS Braddon 542 65,724 0.82%
TAS Lyons 520 69,549 0.75%
TAS Bass 506 66,777 0.76%
TAS Franklin 352 70,216 0.50%
TAS Denison 329 66,893 0.49%
Total ** 290,758 13,838,900 2.10%