SenateDB Senate ballot analysis

Exhausted votes

These tables show the number of exhausted votes. A ballot’s exhaustion is calculated with the ExhaustionCalculator class. This is done by tracing the path a ballot would have taken through the count proces as described in data made available on the AEC website.


Votes for the Senate are counted according to the single transferable vote system. Under this system, ballots are allocated to their first preference, and candidates are then either elected or excluded until all positions have been filled. At each count, the ballots of a candidate that has been elected or excluded are distributed to their next preference. This process is described in more detail on the AEC website.

During the count, a situation can arise where a ballot must be distributed to its next preference, but it either does not express further preferences or all its remaining preferences have either been elected or excluded. Such a ballot is said to exhaust. Because it expresses no further preference, it is set aside and takes no further part in the count.

Prior to the 2016 Federal Election, exhausted ballots were exceedingly rare in Australian Senate elections. Votes above the line were preferenced according to a group voting ticket. These expressed preferences for all candidates, and so could never exhaust. Votes below the line were required to enumerate preferences for every candidate, and so these would also never exhaust. A ballot could only exhaust if it was numbered below the line, and contained a counting error. In this case, savings provisions in the Electoral Act would mean the vote was still formal, but its preferences would stop flowing at the counting error.

At the 2016 Federal Election, group voting tickets were abolished, and voters were required to express their own preferences. They were told to number at least 6 squares above the line, or at least 12 below the line (actual formality requirements were less strict, see the report on saved ballots). Since the vast majority of ballots did not express a preference for every candidate, exhaustion became much more common.

Exhausted ballots vs exhausted votes

Under the single transferable vote system, a ballot that preferences a candidate that is elected continues to participate in the count (according to its preferences) at a reduced, “transfer” value. The transfer value is explained in more detail by the AEC here.

The transfer value is important when considering exhaustion. When a candidate is elected with only a handful of surplus votes, the ballots distributed from that candidate are passed on with a very small transfer value. If these ballots go on to exhaust, their total value (and hence their potential impact) is small. On the other hand, when a candidate is excluded, their ballots continue at full value. If these exhaust, their total value is large, and their greater potential impact is lost.

SenateDB describes this difference by differentiating between the terms “exhausted ballots” and “exhausted votes”:

  • A tally of exhausted ballots describes the total number of ballot papers that had exhausted by the final count, without reference to their transfer value when they exhausted.
  • A tally of exhausted votes describes the total transfer value of ballot papers that were exhausted at the final count.

Because a tally of exhausted votes counts exhausted ballot papers according to their transfer value, it can reasonably be used to make inferences about the impact of exhausted votes. A tally of exhausted ballots is not appropriate for this purpose.

The tables on this page are of exhausted votes. You can view those for exhausted ballots here

Comparison to AEC data

It is worth pointing out that there are small differences in the total number of exhausted votes listed here, and those recorded in the distribution of preferences data recorded by the AEC. This is because the AEC rounds the total number of exhausted votes to the nearest integer at the end of every count. This rounding cannot be meaningfully replicated when calculating the exhaustion value of a single ballot, and so is not done for these aggregate counts.


National total

  Exhausted votes Total formal ballots %
Total 1,042,132 13,838,900 7.53%

Nationally by first-preferenced party

Party Exhausted votes Total formal ballots for party %
Shooters, Fishers and Farmers 70,450 192,923 36.52%
Family First Party 68,532 191,112 35.86%
Nick Xenophon Team 66,005 456,369 14.46%
Animal Justice Party 65,148 159,373 40.88%
Australian Labor Party 50,857 4,123,084 1.23%
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation 48,868 593,013 8.24%
Australian Sex Party 44,909 97,882 45.88%
Liberal Party of Australia 44,425 4,821,314 0.92%
Democratic Labour Party 43,078 94,510 45.58%
Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 39,505 162,155 24.36%
Health Australia Party 38,864 85,233 45.60%
Liberal Democratic Party 37,540 298,915 12.56%
Drug Law Reform 31,206 61,327 50.88%
Australian Christians 31,007 66,525 46.61%
Australian Liberty Alliance 25,142 102,982 24.41%
Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party 21,903 53,232 41.15%
Marijuana (HEMP) Party 21,146 33,387 63.33%
Australian Sex Party/Marijuana (HEMP) Party 20,567 69,247 29.70%
Pirate Party Australia 17,810 35,184 50.62%
The Nationals 17,372 46,932 37.01%
Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party 17,214 266,607 6.46%
Marriage Equality 16,524 44,982 36.73%
The Arts Party 14,167 37,702 37.58%
Jacqui Lambie Network 13,524 69,074 19.58%
Science Party / Cyclists Party 12,994 24,673 52.66%
The Greens 12,099 1,197,657 1.01%
Independent 11,060 23,437 47.19%
Rise Up Australia Party 10,980 36,424 30.14%
Voluntary Euthanasia Party 10,674 23,252 45.90%
Renewable Energy Party 10,429 29,983 34.78%
Katter’s Australian Party 10,141 53,199 19.06%
Glenn Lazarus Team 9,597 45,149 21.26%
Sustainable Australia 8,881 26,341 33.72%
Seniors United Party of Australia 8,487 22,213 38.21%
Palmer United Party 7,323 26,210 27.94%
Australian Cyclists Party 7,239 25,438 28.46%
Mature Australia 6,975 19,354 36.04%
VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy! 6,010 21,151 28.42%
Online Direct Democracy - (Empowering the People!) 5,702 12,018 47.44%
Socialist Equality Party 4,678 7,865 59.48%
Secular Party of Australia 4,525 11,077 40.85%
Veterans Party 4,456 10,391 42.88%
Citizens Electoral Council of Australia 4,188 9,850 42.52%
Socialist Alliance 3,987 9,968 39.99%
Australian Country Party 3,595 9,316 38.59%
Science Party 2,650 5,405 49.03%
CountryMinded 2,403 5,989 40.12%
Australian Progressives 2,352 6,251 37.62%
MFP 2,338 5,268 44.39%
Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) 1,213 2,102 57.71%
Australia First Party 884 3,005 29.42%
Australian Recreational Fishers Party 333 2,376 14.04%
Australian Antipaedophile Party 178 474 37.48%
Total 1,042,132 13,838,900 7.53%

Nationally by first-preferenced party type

For the purposes of this table, a ballot’s first preference was for a major party if:

  • Its first preference was for the Australian Labor Party, or
  • Its first preference was for a party within The Coalition, or
  • Its first preference was for The Greens.
Party type Exhausted votes Total formal ballots %
Minor parties 906,319 3,626,476 24.99%
Major parties 124,754 10,188,987 1.22%
Independents 11,060 23,437 47.19%
Total 1,042,132 13,838,900 7.53%

By state

State Exhausted votes Total formal ballots for party %
NSW 414,826 4,492,197 9.23%
VIC 300,431 3,500,237 8.58%
QLD 209,239 2,723,166 7.68%
WA 86,382 1,366,182 6.32%
SA 21,578 1,061,165 2.03%
TAS 9,567 339,159 2.82%
ACT 109 254,767 0.04%
NT 0 102,027 0.00%
Total 1,042,132 13,838,900 7.53%

By group in the Australian Capital Territory

Group Exhausted votes Total formal ballots for group %
D (Rise Up Australia Party) 51 2,523 2.02%
E (Sustainable Australia) 41 2,678 1.53%
B (Secular Party of Australia) 14 1,378 1.02%
F (Liberal Party of Australia) 1 84,615 0.00%
A (Liberal Democratic Party) 1 7,460 0.01%
G (Animal Justice Party) 1 4,251 0.02%
J (Australian Sex Party) 0 10,096 0.00%
UG (Ungrouped) 0 1,006 0.00%
H (The Greens) 0 41,006 0.00%
C (Australian Labor Party) 0 96,667 0.00%
I (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 0 3,087 0.00%
Total 109 254,767 0.04%

By group in New South Wales

Group Exhausted votes Total formal ballots for group %
AI (Nick Xenophon Team) 36,150 80,111 45.12%
J (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) 31,569 88,837 35.54%
H (Democratic Labour Party) 27,338 51,510 53.07%
AF (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 26,062 121,379 21.47%
F (Liberal & Nationals) 25,695 1,610,626 1.60%
A (Health Australia Party) 24,957 53,154 46.95%
AB (Animal Justice Party) 24,326 37,991 64.03%
N (Australian Labor Party) 23,873 1,405,088 1.70%
C (Family First Party) 23,859 53,027 44.99%
AG (Australian Sex Party) 20,340 30,038 67.71%
AO (Marijuana (HEMP) Party) 19,922 29,510 67.51%
AJ (Drug Law Reform) 14,463 20,883 69.26%
I (Science Party / Cyclists Party) 12,082 18,367 65.78%
AA (Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party) 8,764 16,356 53.58%
B (Seniors United Party of Australia) 8,487 22,213 38.21%
K (Voluntary Euthanasia Party) 8,324 15,198 54.77%
P (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party) 7,675 26,720 28.72%
R (Pirate Party Australia) 6,863 11,418 60.11%
AC (The Arts Party) 5,893 11,805 49.92%
Q (Jacqui Lambie Network) 5,483 16,502 33.23%
AL (The Greens) 5,243 332,860 1.58%
AM (Australian Liberty Alliance) 4,815 29,795 16.16%
AN (Renewable Energy Party) 4,156 8,936 46.51%
E (VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!) 3,593 12,578 28.57%
O (Online Direct Democracy - (Empowering the People!)) 3,172 6,353 49.93%
T (Veterans Party) 3,130 5,857 53.43%
AK (Sustainable Australia) 3,122 7,723 40.43%
L (Socialist Alliance) 2,791 5,382 51.85%
M (Rise Up Australia Party) 2,790 7,538 37.02%
S (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) 2,427 184,012 1.32%
G (Independent) 2,255 3,871 58.26%
W (Socialist Equality Party) 1,996 2,933 68.07%
UG (Ungrouped) 1,833 2,953 62.06%
U (Secular Party of Australia) 1,762 2,773 63.55%
V (CountryMinded) 1,643 3,153 52.11%
AE (Mature Australia) 1,525 2,805 54.37%
X (Katter’s Australian Party) 1,502 4,316 34.80%
Y (Palmer United Party) 1,420 2,805 50.64%
AD (Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting)) 1,213 2,102 57.71%
Z (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 1,095 1,895 57.79%
AH (Australian Progressives) 1,079 1,817 59.41%
D (Liberal Democratic Party) 138 139,007 0.10%
Total 414,826 4,492,197 9.23%

By group in the Northern Territory

Group Exhausted votes Total formal ballots for group %
A (Rise Up Australia Party) 0 6,768 0.00%
E (Country Liberals (NT)) 0 37,156 0.00%
G (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 0 1,660 0.00%
C (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 0 1,255 0.00%
B (Australian Sex Party/Marijuana (HEMP) Party) 0 4,956 0.00%
D (The Greens) 0 11,003 0.00%
F (Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch) 0 38,197 0.00%
UG (Ungrouped) 0 1,032 0.00%
Total 0 102,027 0.00%

By group in Queensland

Group Exhausted votes Total formal ballots for group %
T (Family First Party) 22,279 52,453 42.47%
H (Animal Justice Party) 15,949 32,306 49.37%
E (Liberal Democratic Party) 15,834 77,601 20.40%
V (Australian Sex Party/Marijuana (HEMP) Party) 13,838 30,157 45.89%
L (Nick Xenophon Team) 12,252 55,653 22.02%
D (Australian Labor Party) 11,464 717,524 1.60%
J (Marriage Equality) 10,412 23,811 43.73%
G (Liberal National Party of Queensland) 10,160 960,467 1.06%
AC (Glenn Lazarus Team) 9,597 45,149 21.26%
Q (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) 9,167 29,571 31.00%
I (Katter’s Australian Party) 8,617 48,807 17.66%
AG (Drug Law Reform) 6,358 17,060 37.27%
A (Australian Cyclists Party) 5,746 19,933 28.83%
S (Democratic Labour Party) 4,701 15,443 30.44%
B (The Arts Party) 4,516 11,030 40.94%
M (Pirate Party Australia) 4,438 10,342 42.91%
N (Australian Liberty Alliance) 4,386 29,392 14.92%
AF (Australian Christians) 3,939 9,686 40.67%
AH (Health Australia Party) 3,642 10,147 35.89%
AA (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 3,169 7,314 43.32%
O (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party) 2,975 14,256 20.87%
F (Online Direct Democracy - (Empowering the People!)) 2,529 5,504 45.96%
AK (The Greens) 2,449 188,323 1.30%
K (Mature Australia) 2,166 5,519 39.25%
U (Renewable Energy Party) 2,117 6,245 33.89%
UG (Ungrouped) 2,104 4,154 50.65%
Y (Rise Up Australia Party) 1,923 5,734 33.54%
AD (Jacqui Lambie Network) 1,732 9,138 18.96%
C (Secular Party of Australia) 1,645 4,623 35.58%
AL (Sustainable Australia) 1,635 5,366 30.48%
AJ (Veterans Party) 1,326 4,534 29.25%
AB (Palmer United Party) 1,264 4,816 26.24%
R (Independent) 864 1,536 56.25%
P (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 847 1,877 45.14%
AI (CountryMinded) 760 2,836 26.79%
Z (Socialist Equality Party) 720 1,639 43.90%
W (VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!) 664 1,881 35.31%
X (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) 589 250,126 0.24%
AE (Australian Progressives) 466 1,213 38.42%
Total 209,239 2,723,166 7.68%

By group in South Australia

Group Exhausted votes Total formal ballots for group %
O (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) 4,916 31,621 15.55%
H (Liberal Party of Australia) 2,998 345,767 0.87%
R (Australian Sex Party/Marijuana (HEMP) Party) 2,208 12,091 18.26%
F (Nick Xenophon Team) 2,100 230,703 0.91%
Q (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) 1,544 7,815 19.75%
K (Liberal Democratic Party) 1,142 6,913 16.52%
J (Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party) 1,021 5,091 20.06%
U (Animal Justice Party) 889 8,981 9.90%
S (Australian Liberty Alliance) 773 4,435 17.43%
A (Mature Australia) 610 4,440 13.74%
P (Marriage Equality) 460 4,032 11.41%
C (The Arts Party) 370 3,368 10.97%
T (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party) 363 2,359 15.37%
V (Voluntary Euthanasia Party) 349 2,286 15.25%
E (Australian Cyclists Party) 305 1,664 18.34%
B (Australian Labor Party) 282 289,902 0.10%
D (The Greens) 270 62,329 0.43%
G (Australian Progressives) 187 1,157 16.16%
I (Palmer United Party) 182 778 23.33%
M (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 165 2,799 5.88%
UG (Ungrouped) 152 851 17.82%
W (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 140 499 28.05%
L (VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!) 132 820 16.13%
N (Family First Party) 23 30,464 0.08%
Total 21,578 1,061,165 2.03%

By group in Tasmania

Group Exhausted votes Total formal ballots for group %
F (Liberal Party of Australia) 3,525 110,318 3.20%
H (Australian Sex Party/Marijuana (HEMP) Party) 948 4,493 21.11%
A (Family First Party) 868 6,692 12.97%
P (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) 797 4,688 17.00%
E (Nick Xenophon Team) 350 5,128 6.82%
S (Australian Recreational Fishers Party) 333 2,376 14.04%
Q (Animal Justice Party) 316 2,377 13.29%
G (Palmer United Party) 306 2,363 12.95%
T (Liberal Democratic Party) 265 1,662 15.93%
D (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 256 2,861 8.93%
M (Jacqui Lambie Network) 249 28,146 0.88%
B (Australian Labor Party) 212 113,935 0.19%
N (Australian Liberty Alliance) 206 1,112 18.49%
L (Renewable Energy Party) 195 1,340 14.55%
J (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party) 191 1,473 12.99%
R (Science Party) 163 1,306 12.45%
O (VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!) 110 946 11.65%
U (The Arts Party) 109 728 14.95%
UG (Ungrouped) 86 498 17.32%
K (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 57 177 32.14%
C (The Greens) 22 37,840 0.06%
I (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) 3 8,700 0.03%
Total 9,567 339,159 2.82%

By group in Victoria

Group Exhausted votes Total formal ballots for group %
Y (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) 40,881 63,528 64.35%
AL (Australian Sex Party) 23,072 54,128 42.62%
C (Animal Justice Party) 20,937 60,780 34.45%
AG (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) 20,773 36,669 56.65%
O (Family First Party) 18,308 39,747 46.06%
AH (Liberal Democratic Party) 16,347 55,501 29.45%
D (Australian Labor Party) 13,206 1,075,658 1.23%
H (Australian Christians) 13,000 34,763 37.40%
W (Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party) 12,118 31,785 38.13%
AC (Drug Law Reform) 10,385 23,384 44.41%
V (Nick Xenophon Team) 10,374 55,118 18.82%
U (Australian Liberty Alliance) 9,805 23,080 42.48%
L (Health Australia Party) 8,769 17,169 51.07%
R (Democratic Labour Party) 8,679 18,152 47.81%
J (Pirate Party Australia) 6,509 13,424 48.49%
G (Jacqui Lambie Network) 6,059 15,288 39.63%
X (Marriage Equality) 5,652 17,139 32.98%
AI (Rise Up Australia Party) 5,110 10,166 50.26%
A (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party) 4,180 211,733 1.97%
I (Sustainable Australia) 4,083 10,574 38.61%
P (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 4,043 9,287 43.54%
E (Science Party / Cyclists Party) 3,935 11,567 34.02%
AK (The Greens) 3,926 380,499 1.03%
AA (Australian Country Party) 3,595 9,316 38.59%
M (Renewable Energy Party) 3,025 8,845 34.20%
F (Palmer United Party) 2,964 10,456 28.35%
Q (The Arts Party) 2,579 7,737 33.33%
AB (MFP) 2,338 5,268 44.39%
AD (Voluntary Euthanasia Party) 2,001 5,768 34.69%
AF (Liberal & Nationals) 2,000 1,158,800 0.17%
K (Socialist Equality Party) 1,963 3,293 59.60%
AE (Mature Australia) 1,850 3,469 53.32%
B (Independent) 1,680 3,386 49.60%
S (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 1,379 2,098 65.72%
N (VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!) 1,210 2,838 42.63%
UG (Ungrouped) 1,192 2,860 41.69%
T (Secular Party of Australia) 1,104 2,303 47.94%
Z (Socialist Alliance) 784 2,597 30.18%
AJ (Australian Progressives) 619 2,064 30.01%
Total 300,431 3,500,237 8.58%

By group in Western Australia

Group Exhausted votes Total formal ballots for group %
F (The Nationals) 16,512 34,618 47.70%
W (Australian Christians) 14,068 22,076 63.73%
B (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers) 6,599 25,343 26.04%
S (Australian Sex Party/Marijuana (HEMP) Party) 6,294 25,047 25.13%
A (Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)) 5,811 13,768 42.21%
P (Australian Liberty Alliance) 5,158 15,168 34.00%
C (Nick Xenophon Team) 4,779 29,656 16.12%
Z (Liberal Democratic Party) 3,813 10,771 35.40%
AB (Family First Party) 3,195 8,729 36.61%
K (Animal Justice Party) 2,731 12,687 21.52%
T (Democratic Labour Party) 2,360 9,405 25.09%
H (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party) 1,831 10,066 18.19%
D (Australian Labor Party) 1,820 386,113 0.47%
U (Health Australia Party) 1,497 4,763 31.43%
I (Palmer United Party) 1,187 4,992 23.77%
Q (Rise Up Australia Party) 1,106 3,695 29.93%
O (Renewable Energy Party) 936 4,617 20.28%
X (Liberal Party of Australia) 906 525,879 0.17%
Y (Australia First Party) 884 3,005 29.42%
L (Mature Australia) 807 2,687 30.04%
UG (Ungrouped) 724 2,184 33.16%
M (The Arts Party) 701 3,034 23.10%
E (Citizens Electoral Council of Australia) 670 2,049 32.71%
N (Australian Cyclists Party) 652 2,679 24.33%
G (Socialist Alliance) 412 1,989 20.73%
V (Independent) 386 949 40.69%
AA (VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy!) 301 1,390 21.62%
J (The Greens (WA)) 190 143,797 0.13%
R (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) 53 55,026 0.10%
Total 86,382 1,366,182 6.32%

By division

State Division Exhausted votes Total formal ballots for division %
VIC Gippsland 13,700 91,696 14.94%
VIC Murray 12,802 91,912 13.93%
VIC McMillan 12,550 103,623 12.11%
VIC McEwen 12,177 116,948 10.41%
VIC Mallee 12,172 87,316 13.94%
VIC Indi 11,819 93,028 12.71%
WA O’Connor 11,797 88,046 13.40%
NSW Calare 11,236 101,908 11.03%
NSW Cowper 11,208 105,049 10.67%
NSW New England 10,949 98,825 11.08%
VIC Lalor 10,755 107,821 9.97%
VIC Holt 10,633 101,061 10.52%
VIC Gorton 10,621 99,397 10.68%
NSW Page 10,518 105,314 9.99%
NSW Farrer 10,504 98,050 10.71%
NSW Hunter 10,430 101,470 10.28%
VIC Bendigo 10,406 98,858 10.53%
VIC Wannon 10,332 88,716 11.65%
NSW Riverina 10,193 99,749 10.22%
NSW Newcastle 10,159 101,094 10.05%
NSW Eden-Monaro 10,019 97,685 10.26%
NSW Cunningham 9,986 98,289 10.16%
NSW Whitlam 9,807 100,060 9.80%
VIC Ballarat 9,805 99,124 9.89%
NSW Lyne 9,613 101,063 9.51%
NSW Parkes 9,546 94,716 10.08%
NSW Chifley 9,524 88,789 10.73%
NSW Fowler 9,458 88,417 10.70%
NSW Gilmore 9,452 103,993 9.09%
VIC Calwell 9,284 90,982 10.20%
NSW Macquarie 9,253 95,408 9.70%
NSW Werriwa 9,232 91,662 10.07%
NSW Richmond 9,190 98,660 9.31%
NSW McMahon 9,189 89,555 10.26%
NSW Shortland 9,044 99,696 9.07%
NSW Watson 9,031 87,200 10.36%
VIC Flinders 8,875 102,326 8.67%
NSW Lindsay 8,831 97,434 9.06%
VIC Corio 8,798 95,512 9.21%
QLD Leichhardt 8,696 92,437 9.41%
NSW Hume 8,682 97,350 8.92%
NSW Macarthur 8,628 92,622 9.31%
NSW Barton 8,616 90,875 9.48%
NSW Paterson 8,615 102,146 8.43%
VIC Scullin 8,539 96,802 8.82%
NSW Sydney 8,483 92,677 9.15%
WA Durack 8,448 78,248 10.80%
NSW Blaxland 8,398 83,969 10.00%
VIC Casey 8,372 92,985 9.00%
NSW Grayndler 8,346 92,786 8.99%
NSW Mackellar 8,288 96,196 8.62%
NSW Bennelong 8,184 94,573 8.65%
NSW Dobell 8,144 98,944 8.23%
NSW Greenway 8,061 93,556 8.62%
QLD Fairfax 8,052 95,601 8.42%
NSW Warringah 7,967 90,669 8.79%
QLD Rankin 7,952 87,211 9.12%
NSW Berowra 7,844 96,129 8.16%
NSW Kingsford Smith 7,834 94,825 8.26%
NSW North Sydney 7,801 95,479 8.17%
QLD Longman 7,757 92,881 8.35%
QLD Groom 7,744 92,084 8.41%
NSW Robertson 7,737 97,333 7.95%
VIC La Trobe 7,735 95,866 8.07%
NSW Hughes 7,724 95,574 8.08%
NSW Banks 7,718 92,859 8.31%
QLD Forde 7,659 86,059 8.90%
NSW Parramatta 7,638 87,315 8.75%
QLD Kennedy 7,605 86,698 8.77%
QLD Dickson 7,595 91,690 8.28%
QLD Petrie 7,404 93,917 7.88%
VIC Maribyrnong 7,362 94,811 7.76%
QLD McPherson 7,327 89,343 8.20%
QLD Bowman 7,320 92,954 7.88%
QLD Herbert 7,220 91,913 7.85%
VIC Corangamite 7,206 101,208 7.12%
NSW Bradfield 7,197 95,426 7.54%
QLD Wide Bay 7,149 91,228 7.84%
VIC Isaacs 7,094 93,032 7.63%
VIC Gellibrand 7,091 92,824 7.64%
QLD Fisher 7,050 86,931 8.11%
QLD Maranoa 6,977 92,990 7.50%
NSW Reid 6,947 92,958 7.47%
VIC Dunkley 6,934 92,801 7.47%
NSW Mitchell 6,852 93,531 7.33%
QLD Moncrieff 6,831 86,929 7.86%
QLD Fadden 6,827 89,730 7.61%
VIC Hotham 6,796 87,677 7.75%
QLD Blair 6,794 87,784 7.74%
QLD Dawson 6,793 91,665 7.41%
NSW Cook 6,708 93,322 7.19%
VIC Bruce 6,679 83,947 7.96%
VIC Wills 6,640 96,962 6.85%
VIC Aston 6,616 86,266 7.67%
QLD Lilley 6,606 95,588 6.91%
QLD Bonner 6,564 90,759 7.23%
QLD Wright 6,496 89,811 7.23%
QLD Oxley 6,419 84,412 7.60%
WA Forrest 6,394 87,433 7.31%
QLD Moreton 6,364 86,424 7.36%
QLD Hinkler 6,278 89,554 7.01%
QLD Capricornia 6,242 89,065 7.01%
VIC Batman 6,117 94,648 6.46%
QLD Flynn 6,056 90,639 6.68%
NSW Wentworth 6,041 86,997 6.94%
WA Pearce 6,004 89,503 6.71%
QLD Ryan 5,955 95,859 6.21%
QLD Griffith 5,865 94,267 6.22%
VIC Menzies 5,793 89,299 6.49%
WA Burt 5,736 86,071 6.66%
QLD Brisbane 5,642 96,743 5.83%
VIC Deakin 5,520 90,788 6.08%
WA Cowan 5,211 83,895 6.21%
VIC Jagajaga 5,208 92,862 5.61%
WA Canning 5,127 86,088 5.96%
VIC Chisholm 5,061 87,447 5.79%
WA Hasluck 4,792 83,211 5.76%
WA Brand 4,667 83,309 5.60%
VIC Melbourne 4,534 96,863 4.68%
WA Tangney 4,464 84,692 5.27%
VIC Goldstein 4,446 94,266 4.72%
WA Moore 4,417 89,071 4.96%
WA Stirling 4,281 84,731 5.05%
VIC Melbourne Ports 4,241 87,080 4.87%
WA Swan 4,119 83,100 4.96%
VIC Higgins 3,870 92,981 4.16%
VIC Kooyong 3,848 90,502 4.25%
WA Fremantle 3,828 86,272 4.44%
WA Perth 3,607 85,562 4.22%
WA Curtin 3,490 86,950 4.01%
SA Wakefield 2,909 98,476 2.95%
SA Barker 2,523 95,669 2.64%
SA Port Adelaide 2,286 98,910 2.31%
TAS Braddon 2,258 65,724 3.44%
SA Grey 2,222 90,793 2.45%
TAS Lyons 2,217 69,549 3.19%
TAS Bass 2,074 66,777 3.11%
SA Makin 2,007 96,111 2.09%
SA Kingston 1,909 95,095 2.01%
SA Mayo 1,760 95,749 1.84%
SA Hindmarsh 1,594 100,105 1.59%
TAS Franklin 1,559 70,216 2.22%
SA Boothby 1,549 98,242 1.58%
TAS Denison 1,459 66,893 2.18%
SA Sturt 1,433 94,640 1.51%
SA Adelaide 1,386 97,375 1.42%
ACT Canberra 56 131,653 0.04%
ACT Fenner 53 123,114 0.04%
NT Solomon 0 57,000 0.00%
NT Lingiari 0 45,027 0.00%
Total ** 1,042,132 13,838,900 7.53%